Should I file a Homeowner's Insurance Claim

Should I file a Homeowner's Insurance Claim

The recent hurricanes have been truly devastating, and we're all feeling the weight of these difficult times. Many of us are now facing the challenging decision of whether to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. Here are some thoughts to help guide you.

-Benefits of filing a claim: If your home has sustained significant damage, filing a claim can provide much-needed financial relief. It covers repairs and gives you peace of mind during an already stressful time.  Remember, you will need to cover your deductible first, but situations like this are the reason you have insurance.

-When to avoid filing a claim: For minor damages that you can handle out-of-pocket, it might make sense to skip filing a claim. This approach can help maintain your current insurance rates and avoid potential hikes in the future. 

-Some advice: If you file a claim and for some reason it is not covered by your insurance, your claim will remain on record.  Additionally, if you file a claim and decide not to use your insurance and fix the damage out of pocket, it will also remain on record. 

Personal decisions like these are never easy. Whether you choose to file a claim or not, remember you’re not alone in this. Lean on your community, seek advice, and make the best decision for your situation.

Stay safe, and let’s support each other through this recovery process. ❤️